Recommendations for the organization of the educational process using historical sources when studying a course of history.
Нуралыева Альмира Ерболовна
Teacher History CGA "Borodino central school"
Annotation: This article discusses the ways of organizing the educational process in school when studying the history of European countries in the first half of the xix century. During the research work, methods of working with historical sources were developed. Methods of work of teachers with historical sources are analyzed. We have organized work with legal documents and analysis of legislative documents. A series of lessons using historical sources is shown. Students of the 10th grade participateb in the experiment.
Key words: historical sources, methods, organization of work, independent work, engravings, legal documents
Work with historical sources is always complex in the organization even for experienced teachers, so it is necessary to coordinate the work of students with sources. Also, the teacher can competently select historical sources, based on the knowledge of each class, on the features of children in this class and simply on the age characteristics. When working with written historical sources, students are particularly needed to consult the teacher, as it is not always possible to analyze and find answers to questions.
There are many species and types of tasks with historical sources. They can be carried out both in group form and individual. If the class is just starting to work gradually with historical sources (especially with written), it is worth starting with group tasks or from a group game.
Teachers need to strive to develop independence in students and not linger on group tasks for a long time. Because only in individual work it is possible to improve the quality of the assimilation of the material. Focus on comparative, search and analytical tasks when working with historical sources. The teacher only selects topical and modern forms of work to motivate and interested students.
The stage of conclusion or summing up at the end of work with a historical source is important. Only at this stage the student is able to see the result of the work done. At the beginning the teacher independently conducts reflection, asks questions and pushes to the right conclusions. Then more work with historical sources, the faster the disciples will learn to spend competently reflection independently.
By the same students, which in the future are planning to rent a EAAA and SNT of history of history, these forms of work will be particularly useful, since in these tasks, where students need to analyze the historical source and come to certain conclusions. Without careful training in the lessons it will be done very difficult.
Only a teacher can explain the algorithm for working with historical sources, to determine their accuracy, exercise semantic reading, conduct a comparative analysis of several sources, clearly formulate answers to questions and conclusions on the text. And first, you need to give a class auxiliary memo, according to which they can work. Having a similar memo in front of his eyes, the student will fix it into memory and will soon be able to work without it, and the stages of work will be reach automatism.
In the historical source, information is contained not only in the text, but also in the carrier itself, in context, in the identity of the creator of information. At the same time, the information transmitted in the source is not equivalent to the information that the author of the source has strived.
You can not trust and unconditionally take all historical evidence, it is necessary to check them, and on the other hand in evidence that is not confirmed may be certain information.
It is important to know the date of events to know exactly, given that evidence and witnesses may be wrong or lie.
Any duty setting, any test and interpretation of the source is generally possible only when it is turned on in a chronological series or a synchronous complex. Comparing establishing similarity or distinction.
The choice of the task level is entirely dependent on the class, its features and complexity of the source. Of course, for senior classes, especially when preparing for the EAAA and SNT you should choose creative and search assignments, as a high level of analysis and argumentation is important for the exam.
Practitioners teachers know that there is no single stencil, according to which you can train all children and get a stable high result. The world, information and education system are very mobile and they will constantly have to adapt. The same children also do not even happen in one generation and in one class. Therefore, you need to pay as much attention as possible to the selection of approach to each class, and sometimes to each child. Then it will be possible to expect high results. This is the complexity of the work of the teacher and its limitless creative field.
It is important to keep the interest and motivation of students, and for this you need to carefully work on those tasks that the teachers choose. Working only with the same forms, the students are deprived of development opportunities and consciously enshrine "Cliche" to work with sources, but it may well affect the surrender of EAAA and SNT, where work with sources is a big place of tasks and they are constantly changing and upgraded .
List of sources and literature
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2. Methodical recommendations for teaching the educational subject "History of Kazakhstan", "World History" (grades 5-9) in the framework of updating the content of education, — NA I. Altynsarin, 2019. — 84 p.
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4. Typical curriculum on the training subject "History of Kazakhstan", "World History" for 10-11 classes of natural-mathematical direction of the level of general secondary education on an updated content. Appendix 202 to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 27, 2017 No. 352.