Дисциплина: Иностранный язык
Сабақтың тақырыбы:
Тема занятия: National music. Constructions “as…as”, “not so…as”, “the more”, “the better”, “more and more”.
Сабақтын түрі
Вид занятия: combined.
Сабақ мақсаты
Цель занятия: to enrich pupil’s knowledge about national Kazakh music, to revise comparison constructions..
1. Білімділік
Образовательная: to improve students’ ability to translate and understand meaning.
2. Дамытушылық
Развивающая: to improve students’ pronunciation and to develop their skills of reading, speaking, writing.
3. Тәрбиелік
Воспитательная: to bring up broad-minded person.
Пәнаралық байланыс
Межпредметные связи: arts, country learning
Көрнекті құралдар, жабдықтар, үлестірме қағаздар
Наглядные пособия, раздаточный материал textbooks, lection, presentation.
Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
Организационная часть: greetings, checking absent students, aims and purposes of the lesson, plan of the lesson.
Өткен тақырыпты тексеру
Опрос и проверка знаний учащихся: checking home task.
Жаңа тақырыпты зерделеу
Изучение нового материала
1) National music
Закрепление нового материала: answering questions.
Үй тапсырмасы:
Домашнее задание: Голицынский. Стр 104 упр. 135 (1-6, 7-12)
Өзіндік жұмысы
Самостоятельная работа: self-checking work
Қорыту, подведение итогов занятия: giving marks, comment on them.
Преподаватель: А. А. Калинина
Лекционный материал
Тема: National music. Constructions “as…as”, “not so…as”, “the more”, “the better”, “more and more”.
Students are divided into three groups
1. Crossword (define a theme of the lesson)
1D |
O |
M |
B |
R |
2A |
3K |
O |
4B |
Y |
5Z |
6K |
Y |
E |
H |
7M |
U |
S |
I |
8C |
I |
A |
N |
T |
Y |
I |
O |
A |
R |
M |
S |
P |
H |
O |
A |
S |
R |
E |
R |
1. Kazakh national instrument with only two strings.
2. Folk poet-improviser and singer.
3. Kazakh national stringed bow musical instrument.
4. Ceremony of opening the face of the bride.
5. Epos or legend in form of poetry.
6. The name of the traditional Kazakh instrumental play.
7. Person who plays music.
8. The author of a piece of music.
2. Give the English equivalents.
слушать музыку – listen to the music
танцевать под музыку – dance to music
учиться играть на музыкальных инструментах – learn to play musical instruments
музыкальные жанры – musical genres
подлинный, настоящий – genuine
выдающийся исполнитель– outstanding singer
гениальный композитор – a brilliant composer
меломан – concert-goer, music lover
музыкальное произведение – work, piece
читать ноты – read music
иметь музыкальный слух – have an ear for music
2. Name:
a) types of music
b) 5 musical instruments
c) adjectives describing singer’s voice
3. Sort out the following musical instruments in three groups:
a) string instruments; b) woodwind instruments; c) brass instruments. Say which of them are played in
a) an orchestra; b) a brass band; c) a jazz band.
a violin, a cello, a flute, a horn, a saxophone, a guitar, a trombone, an oboe, a trumpet, a bagpipe, a harp, a clarinet.
4. Find a suitable definition for each word.
1.concerto 5. choir 9. recital
2. concert 6. conservatoire 10. performance
3. air 7. conductor 11. band
4. chorus 8. execution 12. orchestra
a) a group of singers trained to sing together
b) a play or a concert performed in public
c) a musical performance of one person
d) a musical entertainment
e) the music sung by a group of singers
f) a musical composition for one or more instruments accompanied by an orchestra
g) a tune or melody
h) a group of musical players in a theatre, concert hall
i) a number of persons who play music especially outdoors
j) the way in which a piece of music is done
k) the man who conducts an orchestra
l) a school of music
5. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word.
1 group gig, four, chorus, verse, lyrics, venues
1. Have you heard that Radiohead are going on …… later this year? They’re going to be playing at …… all round the country. I hope they do a …… somewhere near here. I’d love to see them.
2. Do you like Blur? – Well, I quite like the music but the …… are really silly. I don’t know what they’re singing about.
3. Why don’t you like Oasis? – Their songs all sound the same. They sing one …… and then repeat the …… fifteen times.
2 group music, voice, practice, solo, choir, ear, lessons, piece
1. Katy’s got a beautiful ……. . She sings in the local church …… . – Really? Does she ever sing …….. ?
2. A friend of mine plays the piano really well even though she can’t read …… . She plays everything by …….
3. I’m having piano …….. at the moment. I try to do one hour’s …….. a day.
4. The Four Seasons is my favourite …… of music.
3 group rack, album, songs, tune, solo, number one, charts, single, cover version
1. Have you heard Massive Attack’s new …….. ? It’s fantastic. – Yes, the first …….. is my favourite. I keep playing it over and over again.
2. I’ve just bought REM’s latest album. – Yes, I’ve got that. It’s great. There’s a superb guitar …….. right at the beginning. You’ll love it.
3. Have you heard Billie’s new single yet? – Yes, I don’t like it much, but it’s got such a catchy …….. I can’t get it out of my head.
4. Paul Weller normally writes all his own …… but on his new album he’s done a ………… of an old Bob Dylan number. It’s absolutely brilliant – better than the original!
5. Britney Spears is releasing a new …… this week. I’m sure it’ll go straight to …… in the …… like all her others.
Reflection: Three “P”
Students are invited to name three points that they have done well in the course of the lesson, and offer one action that will improve their work in the next lesson.
Additional task
1. My friend plays the trumpet in a jazz …. .
2. Freddie Mercury was one of the most popular…… singers.
3. He is one of the most well known young ……. .
4. They are doing about 30……… on their European tour.
5. The club is a popular……. for reggae bands.
6. Do you know the…….. to the song?
7. He is working on the……. of an old piece of music for the piano.
8. She likes the exciting …… of African drum music.
9. It is very difficult to read …. .
10. Have you been to Obraztsova’s …… ?